A first Gate adverte:
Estudar em outro País é uma das experiências mais benéficas que você pode ter como estudante.
A First Gate representa as melhores instituições de ensino na Austrália, e nossa equipe ajudará você a escolher a melhor opção de acordo com seu perfil e orçamento.
Aqui estão quatro motivos que poderá afetar sua vida para sempre!
Estar em um país diferente testa sua capacidade de funcionar em uma variedade de situações novas e diversas. Isso encoraja você a ser mais independente, curioso e autoconfiante.
Um intercâmbio permite você explorar diferente cultura, tradições e belezas. Isso pode afetar você de várias maneiras! Através de viagens, você pode encontrar o seu propósito, aprender mais sobre si mesmo e aprender mais sobre o mundo.
Ao estudar no exterior, você terá a oportunidade de experimentar um estilo de ensino que talvez não tivesse conhecimento em casa. Isso pode encorajá-lo a aprender e abordar as coisas de um ponto de vista novo e exclusivo no futuro.
Durante seu intercambio, você vai conhecer e fazer amizade com pessoas do seu país de acolhimento. Isso permite estabelecer relacionamentos duradouros com pessoas únicas, que também podem ser pontos excelentes de rede no futuro. Também mostra como as culturas mundiais são semelhantes e, portanto, lhe dá mais competência intercultural.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is education and training that focuses on providing skills for work.
VET provides the skills to help people to:
- join the workforce for the first time
- re-join the workforce after a break
- upgrade skills in their chosen field
- move into a different career.
Who offers VET?
VET courses are primarily offered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These can include Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes and private colleges. Some universities may also offer VET courses in addition to higher education courses. Each Australian state or territory registers these organisations to:
- provide quality training
- deliver courses developed with industry
- issue a nationally recognised qualification.
Certificate I to IV
Advanced diploma:
Vocational graduate certificate/diploma
English language courses:
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Vocational Education and Training (VET) is education and training that focuses on providing skills for work.
VET provides the skills to help people to:
- join the workforce for the first time
- re-join the workforce after a break
- upgrade skills in their chosen field
- move into a different career.
Who offers VET?
VET courses are primarily offered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These can include Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes and private colleges. Some universities may also offer VET courses in addition to higher education courses. Each Australian state or territory registers these organisations to:
- provide quality training
- deliver courses developed with industry
- issue a nationally recognised qualification.
Average tuition costs
VET course fees range from AUD$4000 to $22,000 per year. Higher-level vocational courses, including vocational graduate certificates and diplomas, may have higher fees.
These figures were sourced from the Australian Government’s Study in Australia website in 2018. Please note that course fees can vary widely depending on the course, institution and location chosen, and should always be sourced from the relevant provider.
Certificate I to IV
Advanced diploma:
Vocational graduate certificate/diploma
English language courses:
Download Brochure
A Austrália possui diversas universidades pelo País com oferta de cursos para Doutorado, Mestrado e Pós-Graduação.
VET provides the skills to help people to:
- join the workforce for the first time
- re-join the workforce after a break
- upgrade skills in their chosen field
- move into a different career.
Who offers VET?
VET courses are primarily offered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These can include Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes and private colleges. Some universities may also offer VET courses in addition to higher education courses. Each Australian state or territory registers these organisations to:
- provide quality training
- deliver courses developed with industry
- issue a nationally recognised qualification.
Certificate I to IV
Advanced diploma:
Vocational graduate certificate/diploma
English language courses:
Download Brochure
Um País seguro e cheio de oportunidades e aventuras ao ar livre e combinada com a educação de alta qualidade fazem da Austrália um destino muito popular para alunos do Ensino Médio que desejam experimentar educação internacional.
VET provides the skills to help people to:
- join the workforce for the first time
- re-join the workforce after a break
- upgrade skills in their chosen field
- move into a different career.
Who offers VET?
VET courses are primarily offered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). These can include Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes and private colleges. Some universities may also offer VET courses in addition to higher education courses. Each Australian state or territory registers these organisations to:
- provide quality training
- deliver courses developed with industry
- issue a nationally recognised qualification.
Certificate I to IV
Advanced diploma:
Vocational graduate certificate/diploma
English language courses:
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